Parhaat ratkaisut

Vaatimuksia, jotka on täytettävä rakennusrakenteiden rakentamisessa ja käytössä, on monia ja erilaisia. Erityisesti projektisuunnitteluvaiheessa ajoitus, sujuva hallinta, kustannustehokkuus ja eri syöttötoimintojen laatu ovat ratkaisevan tärkeitä. Neuvonantajamme tukevat kehittäjiä, arkkitehteja ja suunnittelijoita jo suunnittelu- ja tarjouserittelyvaiheessa ja auttavat heitä löytämään parhaan ratkaisun yritykselleen.

Offering comprehensive support and high-quality solutions

Our people will also be a regular or even constant presence on the site in order to be able to respond quickly and flexibly to client requirements and challenges. They will also support the applicators in the performance of their work, thus ensuring the success of each and every measure involving MC technology. 
Rely on our high-quality solutions and the competence of our technical advisers and make sure you get the safety and reliability you need for your projects.

Specialised product systems for the sealing, protection and repair of buildings

We offer partners active in building construction specialised product systems for the sealing, protection and repair of commercial and residential buildings. Our solutions include high-efficacy bituminous and bitumen-free waterproofing systems and super-resistant, high-performance coatings for floors, walls and ceilings, not to mention our screed systems, plasters, renders and mortars. And for the repair of historical buildings and structures, we also offer a complete range of speciality product systems with which valuable, heritage building fabric can be given a new lease of life.

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